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Tiffany Walker
9 min read
A Strong Woman's Curse
I look at who I am and I realize I have always been known as someone you can depend on. Always. I am the highly organized sort, one who

Tiffany Walker
3 min read
A Threesome Can Lead to Some Uncomfortable Positions...
What is it with people’s obsession with the ménage à trois?? I get that there is a little porn star in all of us just itching to come...

Tiffany Walker
3 min read
It’s that time. You’ve been feeling it coming on for several months. It’s time to cut ‘em loose. The problem is that you keep avoiding...

Tiffany Walker
3 min read
Is it Valentine’s Day and you haven’t a Valentine to meet the day’s criteria? Well, maybe you should re-think your technique at...

Tiffany Walker
3 min read
Making Up Isn't Always Necessary
So you tried real hard to make the relationship work, and now you are trying really hard to make the post-friendship work,...

Tiffany Walker
3 min read
When You Don't Like The New Girlfriend
What do you do when a close friend takes on a new girlfriend who is clearly sketchy to everyone else, but sweet as kumquat pie to your...

Tiffany Walker
3 min read
Why Bother With A Second Date??
As I progress in honing my dating skills, I find there is sometimes no point in a second date. The times that I do commence in the...

Tiffany Walker
4 min read
Silence Is Louder Than Words
There is good and bad to silences, as there is to anything in this life. When you come upon a good silence, there is nothing else like it.

Tiffany Walker
8 min read
I'M A WOMAN & HATE DEALING WITH CR*ZY BI*TCHES (Dealing with sadistic d*cks on the daily is plenty)
I am seeing women do too many things that sabotage their credibility and respectability, and, by default, the other women around them.
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